Who Are We?

Sketch Group is an award-winning visual consultancy based in Melbourne, with a presence across Australia and clients across the world. We draw on creativity, diversity, and experience to delivery clarity and engagement, with a personal touch.

We use sketching to tell stories, solve problems, explain ideas, and capture conversations. Read more about our purpose, our BHAG (big hairy audacious goal). and our values.

Our Story

Owner and Chief Doodler at Sketch Group, Matthew Magain, created his first animated video in 2012.

Inspired by the RSA Animate series, the video was based on his work as a User Experience Designer, and titled What the @#$% is UX Design? It turned out to be pretty popular—to date it has attracted well over 800,000 views on YouTube.

This experience drove home for Matt the huge potential for this format – and an opportunity to combine his interest and skills in storytelling, illustration,
and technology.

Today Sketch Group employs a growing team of illustrators, videographers, copywriters, producers, and graphic recorders, all with the shared vision of telling the world’s stories through unique, compelling, hand-drawn sketches.

“Embedding visual thinking into your culture makes your team more creative.”

Matt, Chief Doodler

Sketch Group is proud to be a member of:


Why we do what we do

  • Sketching has power.

    At Sketch Group we’re about more than just drawing pictures. We believe that sketching can be transformational.

  • We love it and live it.

    This fundamental belief manifests itself in the work we do for our clients: the explainer videos, graphic recording, custom illustration, and training courses that we deliver.

  • We’re better together.

    We combine your business knowledge with our expert visual thinking skills to simplify the complex.

   Watch this to
learn more about us!
   Watch this to learn more about us!
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Powered by Passionate People

A passionate team of writers, videographers, illustrators, producers, and animators, we’re friendly, flexible, and great at what we do. We punch above our weight in the corporate arena, but also relish in working with organisations as small as us.

  • Matthew
    Chief Doodler

    As Founder and Chief Doodler of Sketch Group, Matt is passionate about helping people find clarity.

  • Kerstin
    Group Genie

    Part project manager, part copywriter, Kerstin is an ideas machine.

  • Shelley
    Office Manager

    Shelley’s business card reads “Finder and Fixer of Loose Ends” which sums her up!

  • Simon

    Always accommodating, Simon shoots and edits all of our sketch videos.

  • Lucinda
    Graphic Recorder

    Lucinda is an accomplished children’s book author/illustrator, and a talented graphic recorder.

  • Anne

    Annie’s job is to keep the Sketch Group finances and taxes in check.

  • Robin

    Robin is a master of creating illustrations that communicate a sense of place.

  • Marty
    Graphic Recorder

    Marty is an experienced graphic recorder who is always cool under pressure.

  • Mirranda
    Graphic Recorder

    Mirranda is an award-winning graphic novelist with experience at that animation studio.

  • Rob

    Rob, aka Spedsy, is an experienced comic book artist who loves exploring new ideas with clients.

  • Deb
    Graphic Recorder

    Deb is a talented graphic recorder whose dynamite lettering skills set her apart from the pack.

  • Shannon

    Shannon is a talented illustrator with a penchant for cute animation.

  • Max
    Graphic Recorder

    Max is a graphic recorder with experience in capturing sensitive content.

  • Andrew
    Graphic Recorder

    Andrew’s years of cartooning and television experience sets his graphic recording apart.

  • Caitlin

    Caitlin is a skilled illustrator who loves trying to weave an image of her cat into every visual story.

  • Dina

    Dina is a versatile illustrator with extensive experience working with clients in the public sector.

  • Wendy

    Wendy is an experienced illustrator who can turn around storyboards in record time.

  • Lydia

    Lydia is a dedicated creative who works across a range of mediums. 

Got mad sketching skillz? Get in touch to join our team

Our guarantee

We believe so strongly in the power of visual communication, we guarantee a result!

Specifically, we guarantee that the workshop we deliver at the start of your project will deliver massive clarity to you and your team. The insights and decisiveness you’ll get will take your project to the next level. Get in touch—we can’t wait to show you why we stand by it so confidently.

Get in touch
A trainer teaches visual thinking to a group of people in-person and via videoconference

Our Values

Be crazy curious.

An illustration of a domestic short-haired cat leaning against a pile of books. The cat is engrossed in reading a book on its lap, lit by a candle flickering behind it.

It’s a great honour to peek into the world that our clients operate.

Understanding these worlds, from health to finance, technology to Aboriginal affairs, is what provides us with insights that we can use to make a project really special. Being crazy curious means we develop a genuine interest in the subject matter, so we can better understand it, and feel what our clients feel. This is where we do our best work.

Find a way.

An illustration of a young artist walking, head down, against a strong headwind, clutching her portfolio with one hand, and her hat with the other.

Finding a way means taking a can-do attitude to every challenge.

Sometimes this might mean thinking creatively to solve a problem in a way that is unconventional.

  • We do what we say.
  • We deal with challenges head-on.
  • We always deliver on time—even if sometimes that means digging deep.

Bring the joy.

An illustration of five people, spanning a diverse range of age, skin colour, gender, body type, and disability, are carrying a large bendy pencil, reminiscent of a dragon carried at Chinese New Year

Bringing the joy refers to taking a positive attitude towards every project we tackle.

There is  always opportunity for joy in what we do, regardless of the subject matter. Helping people find clarity; depicting an emotion; crafting an image that is wonderful and pleasing to the eye. Really caring also refers to how we interact with clients and with each other—encouraging, supporting, and having a laugh with each other are all part of what makes us want to get out of bed every day.

Really care.

An illustration of three artists proudly holding up their creations for us to see. A larger, maternal figure, wraps her arms around the trio with a facial expression that suggests love and kindness.

At Sketch Group we dream big, but we never lose sight of what really matters.

There might be occasional projects that are challenging, or times when life throws us a curve ball. We always want our people—and our clients—to feel like we genuinely care about them, that we’ve got their back. There are no fake smiles and behind-your-back gossip. We care about the quality of our work; we care about our people; and we care about the planet.

Giving back

At Sketch Group, we’re literally changing the world.

That might sound a tad grandiose … but it’s true.​ ​Like most organisations, we track a range of financial and non-financial metrics to monitor the health of our business.

What’s unique about Sketch Group is that we connect these metrics with donations to charitable projects, all of which support the United Nation’s sustainable development goals. We do this through our involvement with B1G1 (Buy 1, Give 1), an international not-for-profit that helps us embed a culture of giving into our everyday activities.

Learn more about our partnership with B1G1

Made in Melbourne

  • Based in Melbourne, with a national presence, we’re a passionate team of writers, videographers, illustrators, producers, animators, and creative souls.

  • We’re friendly, flexible, and great at what we do. We punch above our weight in the corporate arena, but also relish in working with organisations as small as us.

  • We’re guided by our process, which we call Sketchosophy™. It ensures that every video we create meets the same criteria for quality.

Ready to get started? Let’s chat.

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