Finance Facts that Fly off the Screen

For years, getting people to actually listen to—and understand—financial and legal information has been the holy grail of the financial world.

Yellow arrow pointing upwards over data analysis scene, suggesting growth.

Most people just do what they’ve always done: repeat the ins and outs of their superannuation policy, investment strategy, or insurance cover, while the audience’s eyes glaze over. But what if you could get your message across in a way that made people take notice?

At Sketch Group, we’re experts at synthesising information and bringing it to a life as an illustration or video that your audience can’t help pay attention to. Once you have someone’s attention, then your message stands a much greater chance of being understood.

Challenges when Communicating Financial Information

Our years of experience working with clients in finance services has taught us that there are a number of challenges when communicating content of a financial nature. These include:

  • Explaining financial concepts when your audience has differing levels of financial literacy 
  • Relying on data, numbers, or charts, rather than humanising the data in a way that the audience can relate
  • Keeping your audience engaged for long enough to get your message across
  • Catering to different learning styles
  • Cramming too much detail into a document or slide deck, when the audience realistically only has an appetite (and attention span) for a short summary of the topic
  • Communicating advice that contains a large number of steps, and is therefore potentially difficult to absorb or remember
Tablet video featuring an animated character explaining financial options like payday loans and credit cards. Highlighted text includes RENT, SUPERMARKET, and ELECTRICITY.

How Visuals can help

  • Images, especially visual metaphor, can be used to explain difficult concepts

  • Data and numbers can be made relatable and easier to understand

  • Jargon can be more easily identified by an outsider, then it can be explained (or substituted for a more easily understood phrase)

  • Our methodology includes a collaborative workshop at the start of every video project called an empathy forecast. This activity is not only great for getting to the heart of your message; it’s also fantastic at getting key stakeholders aligned, which makes for a much smoother approval process once it comes time for production.

  • Images, especially visual metaphor, can be used to explain topics that might be polarising or fuel online debate. Getting the message out in a way that is consistent and articulate helps you to control the narrative, while still keeping it fun.

  • An image or video that is hosted somewhere on the intranet that are easy to find can be accessed as a reference for anyone who needs to revisit the content in order to remember it.

  • Engaging a team that understands that sometimes projects just take a long time, and need to go through due process—at Sketch Group we get it; we’re patient, flexible, and accommodating of changing project requirements and timeframes, even if the core team changes mid-way through the project.

Hand drawing in a sketchbook with markers and outdoor scene illustrations on a desk.

Ready to get started? Let’s chat.