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“A drawing is simply a line going for a walk.”                 Paul Klee

Matthew Magain Chief Doodler
Read Time: < 1 min


How lovely is that idea? A line going for a walk.
And that line can go anywhere.
It can take you from A to B. Or further.
It can be both a journey and a destination.


At Sketch Videos we believe that taking a line for a walk, or, as we call it, sketching, can make any story better.  We take your ideas and literally put them in the hand of extremely talented artists. They start with a dot that becomes a line that becomes a person, or a place, or a thing. Or whatever it takes to bring clarity and character to your message.
It’s as fun as it sounds.
And even from the sidelines you get to co-create the fabulous illustrations that will bring your story to life. We work closely with our clients to make sure that you’re involved in key decisions about music, voice, images and script. We make it simple to make something sensational. It’s like taking a walk in the park.
And if that sounds like something you’d be interested in, contact us and let us take your line for a walk.

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