Hand holding smartphone with health pass, masked woman near sanitizer and QR code

Double Vaxxed: Wear it Proud

Man smiling in front of illustrations and 'Equity! 2017' text
Matthew Magain Chief Doodler
Read Time: 2 mins


Here in Melbourne, like many parts of the world, we’re currently in lockdown (again) and, well, it kind of sucks.

While we’re lucky that it’s (mostly) business as usual for our video, illustration, and graphic recording clients, we still can’t wait to safely get back to doing all of those things we once took for granted: eating at cafes and restaurants, filming in our studio, visiting other people’s homes, seeing live music, getting inspired at galleries, and travelling!

It’s clear that none of this will happen until enough people are vaccinated against CoVid-19, so we thought we’d join the movement in encouraging everyone to get the jab. Our entire team are grateful and proud to be fully vaccinated, so we thought we’d “wear it proud” by way of a virtual background in the virtual meetings we have with friends and colleagues, to celebrate where we’re headed and encourage others along the way.

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And you can too! These images will work with any videoconferencing software that supports virtual backgrounds—Zoom, Teams, WebEx, or something else—and are completely free for you to download and use. There are no restrictions on use, or any credit necessary. Just download the image, set it as your virtual background in your meeting platform of choice, and spread the word.

Because the more people who can get vaccinated and do get vaccinated, the better off we’ll all be. 

To download the virtual backgrounds, right-click on the image and select “Save As”.

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