Mumbrella Orig

Sketch Group Wins Big at Mumbrella: Publish Awards

Man smiling in front of illustrations and 'Equity! 2017' text
Matthew Magain Chief Doodler
Read Time: 2 mins



Representatives from Sketch Group and CPA Australia accept the award

On Thursday night the Sketch Group team attended the Mumbrella: Publish awards, as the video we made for our lovely client CPA Australia had been nominated for an award, in the “best use of short-form video” category.


The video aimed to explain blockchain to a non-technical audience. Watch the video

​I’ll be honest, we don’t pay a lot of attention to awards at Sketch Group. It was an honour to be nominated, but the whole team was so busy last week working on videos, posters, and live events for clients that we nearly decided not to go to the award night. In fact, it was only a few days before the awards ceremony that I realised the event was not being held in Melbourne, and had to book some last-minute flights and accommodation!

As it turns out, I’m glad we attended, as our video won! The judges said they were impressed with how we simplified a complex topic and made it easy to understand.

Which doesn’t surprise me to hear, as simplifying the complex is what we do at Sketch Group. But it is nice to have it validated every now and then!

Congratulations to everyone on the Sketch Group team that worked on this video, including producer Kerstin Norburn, illustrator Serena Geddes, and videographer Simon Casamento. And a huge thank you to our wonderful client CPA Australia for giving us the opportunity to continue to tell important stories.

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