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It’s Complicated. So Get Creative.

Matthew Magain Chief Doodler
Read Time: 2 mins


“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” 
T. S. Eliot

In an increasingly complicated world, creativity might be the one thing that sets you apart and makes your business shine.
Theforecast for the futureis that internet video will account for 79 percent of global internet traffic by 2020.
79 percent.
That’s huge!

Which means it’s going to take a lot for you to cut-through in that digital landscape.
​To get your video noticed.
If you’re going to stand out in that ever-increasing crowd, you need to do something special. Something unique.
You need to be you.
Knowing what it is that you do differently and better than everyone else has been what has made your business successful. But to showcase that, in a way that truly reflects who you are, isn’t easy. There is no one-size fits all way to explain a concept, introduce an idea, or get your message out there. There are a million options, you just need to find the one that is most in sync with you.
If you are not sure about all the video options (maybe you think infographics might suit your needs, or you want a talking head but with a difference), we’d be more than happy to help you sketch out your ideas.
After all, sketching is what we do.

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